Bojan Krkić, former FC Barcelona player and current Coordinator of the Football Department of the club, tells all his experience in a publication where mental health becomes the protagonist.
In NSN we are celebrating because the book of our friend and former footballer, Bojan Krkić, is now on sale, in which we have been involved. ‘Controlar lo incontrolable’ is now available in all bookstores with Alienta Editorial in Spanish and Columna Edicions in Catalan. In this book we get to know the real Bojan, a young man who joined one of the biggest clubs in history when he was only 16 years old. Barça was his dream, but it ended up becoming something unattainable, as the pressure and demands were too much for him.

In this book, Krkić expands on the experiences he told in the documentary ‘Bojan, más allá de la sonrisa’, also produced and scripted by NSN. In both productions, the former professional athlete explains the importance of taking care of mental health and making it visible. His story is also the story of many other people who deal with anxiety on a daily basis.

Last Thursday, we presented the book together with its protagonist and journalists Jordi Basté and Marcos López at the Antiga Fàbrica d’Estrella Damm, where fans of the ex-footballer and media were able to learn about Bojan’s story. NSN is proud to have been part of such an exciting project as the publication of this book. Sport is much more than sport and this is what we wanted to show together with Krkić.